Daily Devotional Details


“You shall not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14 (NIV)

Jesus described the times in which He lived as an “adulterous generation” (Matt. 12:39). That means it was a generation in which many people had become confused in their attitudes and disordered in their behaviors when it came to the whole matter of sex.

There is no doubt that we too live in an adulterous generation. The United States is the primary producer of pornography for the entire world! We live in a setting where it is extremely difficult to be pure in mind, heart, and deeds.

We’ve been talking about the ten greatest struggles of our lives using the analogy of struggling to climb a rock face. When you are climbing on the rock and you feel you’re going to fall, you don’t need someone shouting at you. What you need is someone who can show you where to put your feet so that you can keep moving upward.

What we need, more than anything else when we are struggling, is a word of encouragement, and for someone to show us a doorway to hope.

On a scale of 1 (no hope) to 10 (very hopeful), how would you describe your own struggle for purity? Have you experienced someone shouting at you along the way?