Daily Devotional Details


The sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. Galatians 5:17 (NIV)

Here’s how you can be discerning with regard to teaching you hear about the Christian life. Ask these two questions:

1. Does this teaching take the power of indwelling sin seriously? Is it realistic about the fact that we live this life in the body?

2. Does this teaching take the power of the indwelling Christ seriously? Is it faithful to the power of a new life and the presence of the Holy Spirit?

Remember the twin tracks and beware of monorail teaching about the Christian life.

Over the centuries, a line of Christian teachers have come up with an experience (or a formula) that is like a silver bullet for the Christian life. They promise the weary Christian a way in which he or she can get out of the struggle and into a higher form of the Christian life.

It is sometimes referred to as yielding to Christ, full surrender, baptism in the Spirit, letting go and letting God… the list goes on and on, but the quest is always the same—to resolve the tension that runs all through the New Testament.

The invitation is always the same: Get off the old, outdated train tracks and join us on the brand-new monorail! Teaching like this about the Christian life is a distortion of New Testament teaching and, for the good of your soul, you should avoid it.

Why do you think people are attracted to this kind of teaching? Why is it dangerous to follow “monorail” theology?