Daily Devotional Details


“A time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.” John 5:25 (NIV)

The first thing we learn about God in the Bible is that when He speaks, things are created that did not exist before. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light (Gen. 1:3).

Now here is God the Son, God in the flesh, and when He comes to people who are dead in their sins, He says, “Let there be life!” And the dead who hear the voice of the Son of God live.

We see this in the Gospels. Jesus speaks to the daughter of Jairus, “Talitha koum!” which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!” (Mark 5:41). And when Jesus speaks, what happens? Life enters into her, and Jesus “told them to give her something to eat” (5:43).

Lazarus had been in the grave for four days, and Jesus said, “Lazarus, come out!” (John 11:43). John tells us, “The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face” (John 11:44). The Son of God speaks and physical life is imparted to the dead.

When Jesus speaks to those who are dead in their sins, He creates in them a new heart, a new mind, and a new spirit. The Bible calls this the new birth. Those who are dead in their sins hear His voice and live!

Jesus is in the business of raising people who are spiritually dead. We see this throughout the Gospels, and He is still doing it today. He gives new life through His Word and by His Spirit. For this reason the Bible says that we are born again of the Word (1 Pet. 1:23), and born again of the Spirit (John 3:6). New life is generated in the person who was dead.

If you are a Christian today, is there someone in your life that you could ask Jesus to do this for? And if you are not yet a Christian, do you think it is possible that Jesus could do this for you?