Daily Devotional Details


In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. Genesis 4:3-4

The first family did not have a church to go to, but they would have had some kind of altar. Perhaps it was just a pile of stones, but it was the place where they met with God.

They wouldn’t have had a van to travel in, but they would have made the journey from their cave to the altar and, no doubt, there were the usual squabbles and tensions that often seem to be part of getting a family organized to do something together.

We can almost imagine Eve calling out to her son, “Cain will you get out of the shower? You have been in there 15 minutes, and Abel is still waiting! And don’t flick him with the towel when you get out!” There is little doubt that Cain had already decided that his little brother was a pain in the neck long before they got to worship, and it is quite possible that he was.

Well, eventually they all arrived at the place of worship. Each boy had brought an offering, which was a good thing. Cain had a crate of every kind of fruit and vegetable you could imagine. Abel had some animals taken from his flock.

Do you think God cares about the offering you bring to Him? Why or why not?