Daily Devotional Details


God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions. Ephesians 2:4-5 (NIV)

By nature, you were dead to God, but life came to you. It did not come from you, it came to you. This new life did not result from anything you did. How could it? You were dead.

When you were uninterested and unable to reach out to God, God reached out to you and created in your soul some things that did not exist before.

He formed new affections in your soul, and you began to love God, trust God, and desire God.

He formed new convictions in your mind. You became aware of your sin, and you were drawn to Christ. You saw a beauty in Him that you did not see before.

He formed new desires in your will. You became dissatisfied with the life you were living. You wanted to be clean. You were done with living for yourself—your comfort and pleasure—and you knew that the greatest thing you could do with your life was to lay it at the feet of Jesus.

What an amazing transformation! You used to feel that God was against you. Now you are convinced that God is for you. Your old instinct was to hide from God. Now you want to seek Him. There’s a new hunger and thirst for God in your soul. You want more of Him in your life and you want Him to have more of you.

The song “O Great God” describes what it is like when God gives life to the Christian:

I was blinded by my sin, had no ears to hear your voice.
I did not know your love within, had no taste for heaven’s joys.
Then your Spirit gave me life, opened up your Word to me.
Through the Gospel of your Son, you gave me endless hope and peace.

Can you remember what it was like to be dead in your sin? Think about Ephesians 2:4-5, and thank God for the gift of life that is yours through Christ.