Daily Devotional Details


All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Romans 8:14

This implies that those who are not led by the Spirit of God are not sons/daughters of God. This negative statement is a very important one to make for this reason: One way or another we are all pretty messed up people, and if we are all God’s children by nature, then we are all children of a pretty messed up God.

The Bible never teaches the universal fatherhood of God. The Bible never teaches that we are all God’s children. That’s an enormous relief. If we are all God’s children by nature, then God’s nature is seriously messed up. If we are all God’s children by birth, then God is responsible for a great deal of darkness that has been in us and around us from birth.

It’s worth remembering that next time someone says to you: “We’re all God’s children.” You might say, “Oh, I really hope that’s not true.” Consider the evil in Adolf Hitler, the ruthlessness in Joseph Stalin, the destruction in Osama bin Laden, or the cruelty in Saddam Hussein.

If these men are a reflection of the nature and character of God, then we’re all in serious trouble. If we’re all God’s children by birth, then we’re all children of a pretty messed up God. That would not be good news.

We are all sinners, and if God is our Father by nature, that would make God the Father of sin. The idea that we are all God’s children by nature sounds immensely attractive. But, in reality, it would be quite devastating. God is not our Father by natural birth, and this is something for which we can all be thankful.

Is this different than what you were taught growing up? What is your reaction to it? Why?