Daily Devotional Details


Faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17

God creates by speaking. That’s how the world was made, and that’s how faith comes. Christ creates the capacity to hear, and this hearing produces faith. If you do not have faith, here is what you must do:

Regularly Sit under the Word of God
Read it and hear it preached with the conviction that God will speak to you today through His Word.

Recognize God Must Do What You Cannot Do for Yourself
You need Christ to give you ears that can hear. Until the Lord does this, you will be the kind of person who is “ever hearing and never understanding; ever seeing and never perceiving” (Matthew 13:14). Pray and ask, “Lord, give me ears to hear.”

Look to Christ
The Bible is all about Jesus. Everything in this book is written so you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that by believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31).

The message of the Bible is that you are by nature a sinner, a rebel, and an enemy of God. But God loves you and He has sent His Son into the world who gave His life as a sacrifice for your sins to reconcile you to God. Jesus rose from the dead, and He is ready to forgive all who come to Him in faith and repentance. He offers you peace with God, new life, new hope and new power by His Holy Spirit. And He is able to save you from the hell you deserve and bring you faultless into the presence of God.

Look to this Christ today. Ask Him to save you.

Which of these three steps might be holding you back from faith (or greater faith)?