Daily Devotional Details


“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Octavius Winslow says, “Always remember that Satan wants to keep you in a funk, he wants to keep you jaded, discouraged, lethargic, so he will do anything in his power to keep you from drawing near to God.”

So here is the line of thought that he will put into your mind: My heart is cold. I am not in a good place. I can’t come to God in a state like this. I’ll come to him when I feel better.

This is the enemy’s great argument. He uses it time and again to keep jaded Christians away from the one place where they will find help and relief. So when this line of thought flashes across your mind, you need to be ready with an answer. And here it is…

Come to Christ as you are. Come, not because you have a warm heart, but in order to get a warm heart. You can’t restore yourself any more than you can save yourself. This is something that God does. He restores my soul!

Go to the Lord in your worst frame of mind! Don’t wait until you are better! Satan’s grand argument is that you can’t go to God with a cold heart. Why not? If you cannot come as you are, how will you ever come?

Christ does not say, “Get yourself warm and then come to me.” He says, “Come to me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mat. 11:28).

What are you waiting for? Come to Christ as you are, right now.