Daily Devotional Details


“What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world?” Luke 9:25

4. The World of the Arts
Here we come to the creative world of music, painting, sculpture, drama, writing. You take a class, or you take up an instrument. If you have a real talent, there is the whole world of performance. Maybe you savor the arts. You enjoy the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Maybe you love listening to music, or reading books, or just looking at beautiful things.

5. The World of Relationships
Whether we are married, divorced, single, or widowed, we are all looking for that elusive connection. You want to find a circle of people you can be yourself with. You want them to think well of you. You look for that special someone, and then when you find them, you want it to be everything it can be. You work at it and make sacrifices for it.

6. The World of Leisure
Perhaps you’ve enjoyed India, Africa, Europe, or South America. Maybe you’ve been to Yellowstone, the Pacific Ocean, or the Grand Canyon. What about the world of entertainment—movies, TV on demand, celebrities, reality TV? Then there is the world of retirement and leisure—golf courses in Florida, the warm temperatures, freedom.

7. The World of Ministry
The disciples left their nets and gave themselves to ministry. Maybe you see the needs of students, the inner city, the third world, or you are passionate about preaching, church planting, children’s ministry, or missions. You want to do something significant for Christ.

There are seven worlds to gain, and you may sometimes wish that you had seven lives to gain them. The good news is that all of them will be made perfect in heaven.

Reflect on these four worlds. How did you invest in them last year? How do you plan to this year?