Daily Devotional Details


Do not be slothful in zeal. Romans 12:11

Imagine you are a mother at home raising young children. You feel overwhelmed. Your work never ends. You feel you are fighting a losing battle. You have become discouraged. You are losing energy, motivation, and heart.

Or imagine you are a Christian teacher. You feel the pressure of trying to navigate a world of political correctness. Some of your coworkers are hypersensitive, and you are walking on eggshells—never quite sure of what you can and cannot say. Every year your job seems harder and less rewarding.

Or imagine you are a high school student. You love the Lord, but the problem is that you aren’t focused. You are constantly distracted—moving from one thing to another. You get really pumped up at camp, but it doesn’t last. You are like a balloon that keeps losing air. You could try to make a new start, but you know it won’t last. So, you wonder, “What’s the point?”

Or imagine that you are a ministry leader and you have been serving the Lord faithfully for years. But sometimes you feel like you’re on a treadmill. You are under pressure at work, you have commitments at church, and there are some heavy demands on you at home. You’ve taken your share of hard knocks over the years, and they’re beginning to take a toll on you.

We could add to this list, but what we need to see today is that when God speaks about losing your zeal, He speaks to an issue that all of us experience. We all know what this is like.

Have you felt overwhelmed lately? Do you feel overwhelmed now? Talk to the Lord about what you are experiencing. Spell it all out for Him in detail.