Daily Devotional Details


Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Galatians 3:23-24 (NIV)

The primary purpose of the law is to lead you to Christ. When you see the impossibility of the life that God is calling you to live, then you will see your need of a Savior.

The law was put in charge to lead you to Christ. This is true not only on the day you came to faith, but all throughout the Christian life.

Some Christians today have fallen into the error of the Galatians. They see their own initial need of Jesus to forgive their sins. But after that, they feel that they are able to live a life that is pleasing to God—perhaps with the help of some forgiveness now and again.

Do you think God looks down from heaven and is “wowed” by your Christian life? The best efforts of your Christian life are at best a small beginning. Augustine said, “I do not commend the works of my hands for fear that you will find in them more sins than merits.”

The law will do one of two things for you—it will convince you that you are a sinner or make you a Pharisee. It will humble you or make you an unbearable snob. The world often sees Christians as self-righteous snobs, who call others to be as righteous as we think we are.

If we think that we are successful in keeping the commandments of God, then we deserve to be dismissed like this. The intent of God’s law is to lead you to Christ, but it led the Galatians away from Him. They started out well, seeing their need of Christ and the forgiveness He brings, but then they felt that they could handle the Christian life on their own. That is not Christianity. Christ is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the Christian life.

Are you becoming more humble or a more unbearable snob? More convinced that you are a sinner or more like the Pharisees?