Daily Devotional Details


“Take my yoke upon you.” Matthew 11:29 (NIV)

This sounds like it is going to be tough. Maybe you are thinking, “I am struggling enough as it is, and now you are telling me that Jesus wants to put some yoke around my neck?”

Do you think that your life would be easier without Christ? Do you feel that if you cut loose from Christ, then your restless heart would finally be free? Is this what you think about Christ? Are you afraid that if you follow Him, He will lay some great load on you?

As long as you think that, you will never come to Him. If you think that God is in the business of laying burdens on you, you have never seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Listen to what Jesus says: “I am gentle and humble in heart.” “My yoke is easy and my burden is light” (11:30). It’s the way of the sinner that is hard! To be yoked to Christ means that the Son of God pulls your load with you.

If you are weary with your burdens, what could be greater than to be yoked to Jesus Christ and have Him pull your load with you?