Daily Devotional Details


His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 (NIV)

What would make a 21st century person follow Jesus? There are certainly many answers, but the Bible sums up what causes a person to follow Jesus in two words—glory and goodness.

Jesus’ goodness is the sheer excellence of His life, the abundance of His grace and kindness. Jesus’ glory is the total impact of all that He is. That’s how Jesus gets hold of people. He calls us through His own glory and goodness.

So it follows that if we want to see people follow Christ, we should make much of His glory and His goodness. Make these things the focus of your family discussions around God’s Word, your Sunday school class, or your small group. Keep this central when you share the gospel. Remember, the gospel is not primarily about you and your faith; it’s about Jesus and His glory.

How is faith formed in a person’s life? Jesus said, “When I am lifted up, I will draw people to myself” (author’s paraphrase). Faith is formed as Christ is exalted. When you see His glory and goodness you will be compelled to follow Him.

Have you begun to see the goodness and glory of Jesus Christ? Do you see why it is so important to make this the focal point in your ministry?