Daily Devotional Details


Now faith is… Hebrews 11:1

Faith believes what God has revealed (things not seen). Faith trusts what God has promised (things hoped for). Nevertheless, faith is not a capacity that some people are born with.

Some people are naturally good at sports. Yes, training is hard work and it takes hours of practice, but some people are naturally good at sports. They look good when they run!

Others of us are just not so well coordinated, and however hard we try, we are never going to be able to compete with our more athletic peers. It’s the same with art and with music. We can all have a go, but some people have this in them, and others of us … not so much.

Now it would be easy to think that it’s the same when it comes to faith. You may have heard someone say, “Well, some people have an inclination toward faith, but not me. I don’t think I could ever believe.”

If faith was a capacity that some people are born with, it would be terribly unfair. God would have put some people in a position of privilege, in which it was easy for them to be saved, and others of us would barely have a chance.

Faith is not a capacity that some people are born with. It is not an inclination that we have to find within ourselves. Faith believes what God has revealed and trusts what God has promised, and God has given the same revelation and the same promises to all people. So, no one has an advantage over anyone else when it comes to faith.

Have you ever said or thought: “Some people have an inclination toward faith, but not me. I don’t think I could ever believe.”? Have you reconsidered this idea?