Daily Devotional Details


God came to Balaam at night and said to him, “If the men have come to call you, rise, go with them; but only do what I tell you.” Numbers 22:20

Praying about something God has already revealed usually ends up being an exercise in trying to convince ourselves otherwise.

In this situation, it couldn’t be more simple. When God says, “Don’t go. Those people are blessed.” There is nothing more to pray about.

What will God do if you keep on trying to negotiate what He has already said? He will not treat you like a preschool child, because God has given to you the capacity of genuine choice. He does not keep us locked in the classroom. He gives us His word, but He also gives us freedom to choose.

So, when Balaam goes on asking, sure enough God gives him what he wants. At first sight, it looks as if God is contradicting himself here, but of course, that is not the case. God never contradicts Himself. First, God says that He will not allow Balaam to go and curse the people (22:12), but then God says that He will allow Balaam to go (22:20).

When you know what God has said, and you are desperate to find a way around it, God may just give you what you want. And that is what happened here. God says, “Ok, I will let you go, but you are going to have to live with your choice.”

Balaam thinks to himself, “Great,” and off he goes!

Has God ever given you over to your desires because you kept negotiating with Him after He said “No”?