Daily Devotional Details


Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God. Romans 11:22 (NIV)

No generation has been so often told that God loves us, and no generation has struggled more with experiencing God’s love.

One reason for this is that our ideas about God’s love have become sentimental. We have failed to take God’s wrath seriously, and losing touch with God’s wrath, we’ve lost touch with His love.

When you grasp this truth of the Divine wrath, you will begin to see the extent of the Divine love. Your eyes will be opened to what was happening at the cross, and how this was an outpouring of God’s love for you.

The Divine wrath shows you what you were saved from, and it tells you what it took to save you.

When you see the Divine wrath poured out on the Divine person at the cross—God absorbing the wrath of God—you will know that God loves you.

The Son of God endured this to redeem me? That is true love. Grasp this and your soul will begin to sing, “Love so amazing, so divine, deserves my soul, my life, my all.”

Maybe you thought that God’s wrath shows how much God hates you. Can you see, through the cross, that it might show how much He loves you? Maybe this truth has caused you to hate God. Could it be that today, through the cross, this truth might bring you to love God?