Daily Devotional Details


Offer yourselves to God… Romans 6:13 (NIV)

God showed Joseph in a vision the great purposes he had for him. But his brothers sold him to slave traders who took him to Egypt, and he ended up in prison.

Put yourself in Joseph’s shoes, Why am I here? What use can a man be to God in a prison? But Joseph exercised faith, pursued integrity, and ministered to the men God placed next to him. Then God stepped in and Joseph was used to save his entire family.

God gave Moses a vision for his people who were languishing in slavery. What happened to Moses? He found himself looking after sheep in the desert (Ex. 3:1). Put yourself in Moses’ shoes, Why am I here? What kind of ministry can a man have in the desert? But Moses honored God as a shepherd. Then God stepped in and made Moses the shepherd of his people.

John was called to be an apostle, but he ended up in prison. What kind of ministry can you have to the church when you are in prison? Then God gave him a revelation of heaven. It became a book of the Bible that has brought blessing and hope to the worldwide church for 2,000 years.

There’s great danger in thinking, I could be useful to God if only I didn’t have this illness, if only I had a believing partner, if only I lived in another place. But the only life you have to offer to God is the life God has given to you. So, offer yourself to God in your present circumstances. God knows what he will do with you in the future.

Are you offering yourself to God now? If not, why not?