Daily Devotional Details


The cravings of our sinful nature… Ephesians 2:3 (NIV)

A craving is a strong desire, an intense longing.

The Atkins diet is the one where you can eat all the protein you want but no carbs. This appeals to some people—a diet in which you can eat steak and burgers and sausage. But it doesn’t usually last long, because after a few days your body starts craving bread.

A craving is a strong desire, an intense longing. What are the cravings of the sinful nature? Here are ten examples. You will recognize them immediately.

  1. When you succeed, the sinful nature produces pride.
  2. When others succeed, the sinful nature produces envy.
  3. When you do good, the sinful nature is self-righteous.
  4. When you do wrong, the sinful nature goes into denial.
  5. When you suffer, the sinful nature indulges in self-pity.
  6. When you don’t get what you want, the sinful nature gets irritable, frustrated, and angry.
  7. When your work is not recognized, the sinful nature gets resentful.
  8. When you are in a conflict, the sinful nature produces self-justification.
  9. When you hear about the love of God, the sinful nature produces unbelief.
  10. When you hear what the Bible says about sin, the sinful nature responds with evasion.

Learn to read your own heart. Learn to detect the voice of your sinful nature.

Have you heard this voice recently? When?