Daily Devotional Details


“All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” John 6:37 (NIV)

These are among the greatest words ever spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ. They take us to the heart of our salvation. Charles Spurgeon describes this verse as “the sum and substance of all theology.”

Notice, the promise comes in two parts: All that the Father gives me will come to me. Whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

One of the joys of watching football on television is that you see more than you would see if you were at the game. And it’s often warmer!!

When your team scores a touchdown, the replays show you what was happening from various points of view, so that you get a fuller picture of all that was going on. You see the play. Then you see it from the reverse angle. Then you see it from the camera on the goal line.

You are looking at the same event, but the different camera angles give you a fuller picture. Placed together they show you things that were happening in the play that you would have missed if you only saw one angle.

This verse gives us three camera angles on the one event of our salvation. One camera is trained on the activity of God the Father: “All that the Father gives me…” A second camera is turned toward the sinner coming to Christ: “Whoever comes to me…” And a third camera is focused on Christ receiving the sinner: “I will never drive away…”

The Father gives, the sinner comes, and the Son receives. These are the three great movements of our salvation. Viewing these pictures side-by-side will help you to see more clearly what God has done for you in Jesus Christ.

Which of the three camera angles are you most familiar with?