Daily Devotional Details


“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.” Matthew 10:32 (NIV)

The word ‘acknowledge’ (or confess) in the Greek is homo = ‘one’ plus logeo = ‘word.’ It literally means “to be of one word.” To confess Jesus is to be of one word with Him, to say what He says.

Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). To be of one word with Him is to say, “For me, Jesus is my way and my truth and my life.” You believe it. You own it. You do not say, “This is what Jesus says, but I have a different view.” Or “I am not so sure about that.” You say, “I will follow Him as my Lord. I will listen to Him as my Teacher. I will trust in Him as my Savior.”

We live in an ambivalent culture. It is cool to be skeptical. It is comfortable for us to see ourselves as seekers who are in process. But if you want Christ to confess you in heaven, at some point you have to move from seeking to confessing. Jesus says, “If you confess me…” not “If you consider me…” If you are of one word with Jesus, He will be of one word with you.

Where do you see yourself right now on a scale of 1 (seeking) to 10 (confessing)? Why did you put yourself where you did?